Следующий номинации(после всех матчевых мероприятии и контестов):
Best player of the season - Brad Stevens
Best rookie (U-21) of the season - Alexandr Kolov
Best Midfielder -
Best Defender -
Best BK - Robert Colen(ZZZ Bonk)
Награды контеста(после All-Stars):
Best Long Scorer[4]
Best Butterfly[4]
Best Saver[4]


Best player of the season, все номинанты:
Brad Stevens (ZZZBonk)
Lloyd Vega(Canada Wolves)
John Garcia(Canada Wolves)
Hugh Windsor(Toronto Kings)
Larry Chase(ZZZBonk)
Charles Baker(ZZZBonk)
John Carr(Monreal Eagles)
Gerald Mitchem(Canda Wolves)
Thomas Thierrien(Vancouver PBC)
Antonio Jackson(Vancouver PBC)
Randy Perez(Vancouver PBC)
Todd Gill(Monreal Eagles)

Best rookie (U-21) of the season:
Alexandr Kolov(Vancouver PBC)
Joel Curry(Canada Wolves)
Blastin Holockev(Vancouver PBC)
Ray Palmer(Toronto Kings)
Joe Remaley(ZZZBonk)
Shanson Everton(SorianoS)

Best Midfielder:
James Stevenson (Vancouver PBC)
Daniel Hall(LondonCanadas)
Mose Taylor(Monreal Eagles)
Robert Nichols(Canada Town)

Best BK:
Robert Colen(ZZZ Bonk)
Antonio Jackson(Vancouver PBC)
Preston Seitz(Monreal Eagles)
Ward Robertson(Canada Wolves)

And MVP's after All-Star Matches:

MVP № 1 - Lloyd Vega
MVP № 2 - Brad Stevens
MVP № 3 - John Garcia


Best long scorer:
John Garcia(Toronto Kings)
Brad Stevens(ZZZ Bonk)
Michael Soprano(Toronto Kings)
Thomas Thierrien(Vancouver PBC)

Отредактировано Alex (2019-03-30 10:04:07)